New LearningDITA course: Advanced reuse
We have just published a new LearningDITA course: Advanced reuse in DITA. Earlier this year, we published Introduction to reuse in DITA, which focuses on the basic reuse principles and conventions in DITA.
Flickr: Katie Hunt
Our new course teaches several methods for reusing content, including:
- Filtering and flagging content using conditions.
- Defining and using keys for path and text string resources.
- Using advanced content reference techniques (such as conkeyrefs, conrefend, and conref push).
The lessons illustrate each of these types of advanced reuse with code and output samples. Each lesson also offers best practices and advice on implementing these reuse methods in your content.
The first six LearningDITA courses are now available in German on, produced by our colleagues at parson AG. If you’re interested in seeing LearningDITA in another language, please let us know.
We also welcome your feedback on any subjects you would like to see covered in future courses. Take a look at our project roadmap of current and planned future courses and let us know what you’d like to see. Feel free to contribute ideas or course materials to the LearningDITA GitHub repository (link updated January 2017). To make sure you’re always up-to-date on the latest courses, sign up for announcements (you can also sign up during site registration).
Many thanks to our subscribers (2,200 and counting!) and our sponsors: oXygen XML Editor, Adobe, IXIASOFT, SDL, easyDITA, Flow, and The LavaCon Conference.