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Tag: Content as a Service

Content strategy White papers

Content as a Service

Content as a Service (CaaS) means that you make information available on request. The traditional publishing model is to package and format information into print, PDF, or websites, and make those collections available to the consumer. But with CaaS, consumers decide what information they want and in what format they want it.

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Content as a Service: the backbone of modern content operations (webcast)

Content as a Service (CaaS) moves content out of the traditional publishing world. Instead of creating content and pushing it to consumers at the end of the content lifecycle, you make content available on demand. Content consumers connect to a content repository and extract what they need.

In a CaaS system, the content consumer might be a human or a machine. Instead of publishing the content, you let the requestor decide what they need.

In this webcast, Sarah O’Keefe (Scriptorium) and Divraj Singh (Adobe) explore the concept of Content as a Service and provide CaaS examples. If you have complex content requirements, especially in personalization or system integration, CaaS could help you by providing a way to disconnect content authoring, rendering, and delivery.


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