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White papers

DITA specialization: Extensibility and standards compliance

The curse of standards

Open standards are great—until you realize that the standard is almost-but-not-quite perfect for your requirements. Then you face ugly choices: do you compromise by forcing your elliptical content into the round standard, or customize the standard to make it just right? Some companies join the standards-making body, and eventually get their requirements added to the standard.

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DITA Learning and Training (podcast)

In this podcast, Gretyl Kinsey and Simon Bate discuss the DITA Learning and Training specialization. How does this specialization work? What are some ways an organization might benefit from using Learning and Training to structure its educational content? What should you consider before implementing a DITA authoring environment with Learning and Training?

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Highly designed content (podcast)

Highly designed content uses presentation to call its audience’s attention to the most important information. This kind of content requires more attention to detail and exceptions to the standard layout than content with a purely functional design. In this podcast, we discuss strategies for producing highly designed content and solutions for exerting more control over your design in a publishing environment with automated formatting.

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LearningDITA podcast

In this podcast, Gretyl Kinsey and Alan Pringle discuss Scriptorium’s DITA training resource, What is the business case for providing a free e-learning resource, and what does it take to get it started? What are the challenges of growing and managing an open-source, community-based project?

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