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Read the book, Content operations from start to scale

Dr. Carlos Evia coordinated and edited the book Content operations from start to scale published by Virginia Tech.

This incredible free resource is a collection of insights from a myriad of content experts, many of whom have decades of industry experience.

This edited collection was conceived in the spring of 2019 as the fourth edition of Technical Writing 101, a book that was originally published in three editions by Scriptorium and written by Alan Pringle and Sarah O’Keefe.

Since those initial days of this project, Sarah has remained a key player despite the COVID19 pandemic and many changes to the book’s structure and content. Sarah and many of the current and former staff members at Scriptorium deserve credit for significant work behind this volume.

Above all, the contributors who generously wrote chapters for an open-access publication deserve recognition for responding to my pitch of “this book won’t make you rich, but it will help explain the concept of Content Operations in industry and academia.”

— Dr. Carlos Evia

If you want to learn more about building scalable content operations, you’d like to immerse yourself in the world of content strategy, and more, download your copy today!

Content operations from start to scale

Blue circle photo with a white circular owl logo in the middle and a trademark symbol in the lower righthand corner.

Curious about how it all started? Sarah and Dr. Evia discussed the origins of the book on our podcast.

ContentOps edited collection: Content operations from start to scale (podcast)