A fresh coat of paint for the front door, er, page
Finally, FINALLY we have found some time to update our web site’s front page. We simplified the layout (no more nested nested nested tables), added a live feed from our blog, and did some general housekeeping. Please let us know what you think of the new look.
For the most part, it’s standard HTML/CSS, but we did use XSL to process our blog’s RSS feed.
We are particular interested in getting feedback from those of you running non-Windows, non-Firefox, non-Internet Explorer systems.
A new calendar is also on the way. More on that later this week or next.
I like the new Web site look! What sofware do you use on your site?
We use DreamWeaver for our overall site design. For the new front page, though, we used TextPad and Xslerator. Also, FileZilla, which I highly recommend for FTPing. We tested the page on Firefox (1.5 and 2), Internet Explorer (6 and up), Safari (live XSL-driven blog feed doesn’t work but we fall back to a blog link), and Blazer (PalmOS browser). However, I fully expect that someone will find a combination that doesn’t work…