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Content operations Webinar

Content Ops Forecast: Mostly Sunny With A Chance Of Chaos (webinar)

In this episode of our Let’s Talk ContentOps! webinar series, Scriptorium principals Sarah O’Keefe (CEO), Alan Pringle (COO), and Bill Swallow (Director of Operations) provide practical insights on the future of content operations. They’ll deliver sunny predictions, warn of upcoming storms, and equip you to weather unprecedented fronts in the content industry.

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Content operations Webinar

AI needs content operations, too! (webinar)

In this episode of our Let’s talk ContentOps! webinar series, Scriptorium CEO Sarah O’Keefe and special guest Megan Gilhooly, Sr. Director Self-Help and Content Strategy at Reltio, explore how to successfully integrate AI into your content operations. They discuss how to use AI as a tool, how to create content that an AI can successfully consume, and how the role of the writer will shift in a GenAI world.  

In this webinar, you’ll learn

  • The role of content in training the AI
  • How semantic content drives chatbots
  • How AI may change the way you write
  • How to adapt in a GenAI world

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Content operations Webinar

Building the business case for content operations (webinar)

Organizations are recognizing the need for a strategic approach to content creation, management, and distribution, but content operations require upfront and continued investment. In this episode of our Let’s Talk ContentOps! webinar series, Sarah O’Keefe and special guest Mark Kelley discuss how to build the business case for content operations.

In this webinar, you’ll learn

  • Why you must understand the connection between the proximity of content ops to revenue
  • How to position your business case for maximum success
  • When to consider the role of generative AI when seeking funding for content ops

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Smarter content in weird places (webinar)

In this presentation, Bill Swallow explores the weird yet effective applications of smart content in groups outside of techcomm.

“Moving to smart content or intelligent content has largely so far been driven by efficiency. But the places that are looking at using smarter content now are less interested in the efficiency of that content. They’re more interested in the value that it’s going to bring.”

– Bill Swallow

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Content reuse: How do you recognize redundancy? (webinar)

How do you recognize content redundancy? Chris Hill of DCL and Alan Pringle discuss content reuse and share some great insights about managing reuse as part of your content strategy.

“You are going to be reducing your localization costs, because every time you reuse and reduce the amount of source content, you are doing the same exact thing in every language that you’re translating to.”

–Alan Pringle

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Unifying customer experience with enterprise content strategy (webinar)

Does your website include content from multiple departments? If so, you need an enterprise content strategy rather than a departmental strategy. Enterprise content strategy addresses each content type as part of the overall user experience.

In this presentation, Elizabeth Patterson explores how to build a holistic content strategy across your customer-facing content groups.

“Your content needs to be searchable, it needs to be consistent, and prospects need to be able to find it efficiently.”

—Elizabeth Patterson

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Think global, act global, go global (webinar)

Entering new language markets requires more than just translation. To succeed, people from across your organization need to collaborate and begin thinking globally. Bill Swallow talks about how to get started and provide a unified, localized customer experience.

“Going global is not a simple decision. You can’t just throw things out into the wild and expect them to be taken at face value. There are going to be language differences, there are going to be cultural differences, and there are going to be regulatory differences.”

—Bill Swallow

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Surviving and thriving with AEM and DITA (webinar)

Sarah O’Keefe discusses general best practices for CCMS implementations, along with a specific focus on the AEM DITA CCMS.

“You then configure AEM XML to support your content model with specialization, constraints, and authoring experience. You can build authoring templates that give people a framework to work in and you can also customize the actual user experience.”

—Sarah O’Keefe

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InDesign and DITA (webinar)

Jake Campbell talks about how you can utilize automated processes in a high-design environment.

“When we’re looking at high-design, we have a focus on form. When we’re looking at automated workflows, we’re looking at a focus on the content itself.”

—Jake Campbell

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Taxonomy planning (webinar)

Bill Swallow and Gretyl Kinsey share some of the most important steps to take when planning for your taxonomy in The Content Strategy Experts Webcast.

“When starting with a taxonomy, never start with a blank slate, because chances are somebody has done something already.”

—Bill Swallow

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Webcast: The technology is the easy part! Leading through change

Change is constant in technical communication. Whether dealing with new technology, shifts in organizational structures, or growing business requirements, content creators must be able to adapt. In this webcast recording, a panel of content experts—Jack Molisani of The LavaCon Conference and ProSpring Staffing, Erin Vang of Dolby Laboratories, Sarah O’Keefe of Scriptorium, and moderator Toni Mantych of ADP—answer questions and give advice about dealing with change in the industry.

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Content strategy Webinar

Webcast: Risky business: the challenge of content silos

In this webcast recording, Sarah O’Keefe discusses how content silos make it difficult to deliver a consistent, excellent customer experience. After all the hard work that goes into landing a customer, too many organizations destroy the customer’s initial goodwill with mediocre installation instructions and terrible customer support.

Do you have a unified customer experience? Do you know what your various content creators are producing? Join us for this thought-provoking webcast.

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Content strategy Webinar

Webcast: Content Strategy vs. The Undead

Implementing a content strategy often involves overcoming significant technological and cultural challenges, but some of these challenges are so scary, so heinous, that they earn a place among the undead because they Just. Won’t. Die!

In this webcast, which debuted at Lavacon 2014, Bill Swallow takes a look at these nightmare-inducing monsters—from unrelenting copy-and-paste zombies to life-draining, change-avoiding vampires—and shows you what can be done to keep your content strategy implementation from turning into a fright fest.

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