Is DITA right for you?
I’ve just posted a new white paper to our store.
Assessing DITA as a foundation for XML implementation
Like our other papers, it’s free. We do ask you to register to get the material.
I look forward to your comments.
I’ve just posted a new white paper to our store.
Assessing DITA as a foundation for XML implementation
Like our other papers, it’s free. We do ask you to register to get the material.
I look forward to your comments.
Content strategy consultant and founder of Scriptorium Publishing. Bilingual English-German, voracious reader, water sports, knitting, and college basketball (go Blue Devils!). Aversions to raw tomatoes, eggplant, and checked baggage.
Jeff Rubinoff
Have downloaded and glanced through it, though it’s not pertinent to our use case.
We’ve been using a customized DocBook 4.2 DTD for the last 3 years, with HTML and PDF output generation controlled down the pipe by release engineers and graphics guys. All open-source goodness except for a couple copies of the oXygen XML editor in use by us tech writers.
So far, I’m not seeing much advantage vs hassle in converting to DITA, especially as we support profiling in our DocBook DTD.