WritersUA: Overview
Attendance seemed to be up a little from last year with approximately 450 people at the show.
Great energy as usual, people were excited to be at the venue.
I got a chance to catch up with many of the Usual Suspects including Char James-Tanny, Alan Houser, Neil Perlin, Paul O’Rear, Dave Gash, Brian Walker, Tony Self, and many others. (If I left you out, it’s because my brain has turned to mush.)
Our booth was extremely busy, and we had great conversations with many attendees. In past years, we would tell people what we do (“XML blah blah structured authoring blah blah FrameMaker blah blah training consulting blah blah”), and some percentage would respond with, “Oh, I use [some help authoring tool] and I don’t need that stuff.” This year, there were two types of responses:
- “We’re working on an XML implementation.”
- “We’re thinking about XML.”
The percentage of attendees who do not need to care about XML was extremely low.
Our “Yellow Thingies” were very popular — in addition to chocolate (of course), we were giving away a printed, bound version of three of our white papers (with a yellow cover). You can get the white papers through our online store (free with registration), but attendees really seemed to appreciate the printed version.
Michael M-H
Thanks a lot for keeping me informed about the conference. Where was your booth placed in relation to MadCap & Adobe? 🙂
Have a good time!
– Michael
Our booth was across the room — outside the cross-fire — with an excellent view of the action. 🙂