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December 6, 2006

XML 2006: Vendor PechaKucha

At its best, the PechaKucha was highly entertaining. At its worst, it was painful, but at least the bad presentations were short.

After about an hour, though, the entertainment value started to wear off and tiredness set in. Perhaps, in the future, these mini-presentations could be interleaved among the other stuff.


  • Ken Holman of Crane Softwrights instructed the audience to yell “bing” as the slides changed behind him.
  • Carlo Minollo (sp?) of DataDirect got up, talked very fast, and was perfectly synchronized with his slides without any apparent effort. (This means, by the way, that he practiced. A lot.)


  • A series of dreary presentations from Oracle. One presenter said, “Don’t look at me.”
  • Binary XML? Ugh.