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February 26, 2024

Estimate your ROI for content operations with our calculator

Communicating the value of content operations can be complicated. We created an ROI calculator to help. 

Maybe your writers are spending the majority of their time manually formatting content for different outputs. Or, perhaps your organization wants to start selling into new regions but can’t localize content fast enough. We could run through many other scenarios, but no matter what situation you’re facing, you may recognize that your organization needs to change how content is produced. 

Change requires funding. To get funding, you need to build your unique business case for content operations

What are content operations? 

Content operations are the processes by which your company creates, manages, and distributes content. This includes all content types such as product, learning and training, marketing, knowledge base/support, and more.  

Why is it hard to communicate the value of content operations? 

Much like an iceberg, the true scope of your content operations lies below the surface. But if you look at the value that content provides to your organization, you have a much better chance of building a compelling business case. 

Content (and subsequently content operations) adds value to these five business needs: 

  1. Compliance
  2. Cost avoidance
  3. Revenue growth
  4. Competitive advantage
  5. Branding

To communicate the value of your content operations, consider how your organization’s content—and therefore your content operations—factor into these business needs

Evaluating content value within five business needs

Many organizations have compliance requirements that inform what content you create and how you create it. In those cases, meeting compliance requirements is a baseline factor for staying in business. 

On the other hand, branding, competitive advantage, and revenue growth, drive big-picture business change. These are areas where organizations eventually see massive growth opportunities after they invest in their content operations. However, when building a business case, these factors are very hard to quantify. 

Cost avoidance, therefore, is a factor that lets you estimate numbers and quantify business value.

This brings us to our content operations ROI calculator. By focusing on efficiency and cost avoidance, it estimates savings in two areas: how much you save by: 

  1. Reducing/eliminating manual formatting, which is a cost that’s often hidden in staff salaries. 
  2. Enabling content reuse, especially when you’re localizing content for new languages and regions. 

Though it’s helpful for your business case that these elements are numerically quantifiable, it’s important to keep in mind that content operations offer much more value than simply “cutting costs.” To articulate the full value, check out these resources:

Are you ready to estimate your ROI for content operations? Try our content operations ROI calculator below! 

"*" indicates required fields

Do not include information that you copy and paste. Only include information where a single copy is used in multiple locations. If you have no reuse, type 0.

Count full-time and part-time contributors. For example, 7 full-time and 2 part-time (25%) contributors results in 7.5.

50 weeks at 40 hours per week is 2000 hours.

This is the total loaded cost for your content creator. The default, $65, is roughly equivalent to a salary of $90,000 annually, plus benefits.

Localization is the process of adapting content for a specific market. Translation is part of localization. If your company does not localize content, type 0.

Most localization vendors charge by the word. This fee includes translation and formatting.

A typical percentage in an unstructured workflow is 50. Our default is a more conservative 25%.

Specify the percentage of reuse you anticipate in a new workflow. We recommend conservative estimates for business cases—it's generally better to underestimate a bit, especially if you're presenting information to management.
Please enter a number less than or equal to 100.

This calculation assumes that your formatting time drops to zero after you set up automated formatting.

Your total estimated cost savings from reuse, automated formatting, and localization.

Questions about your results?

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