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Content operations Industry insights Podcast Podcast transcript

Strategies for AI in technical documentation (podcast, English version)

In episode 169 of The Content Strategy Experts podcast, Sarah O’Keefe and special guest Sebastian Göttel of Quanos engage in a captivating conversation on generative AI and its impact on technical documentation. To bring these concepts to life, this English version of the podcast was created with the support of AI transcription and translation tools!

Sarah O’Keefe: So what does AI have to do with poems?

Sebastian Göttel: You often have the impression that AI creates knowledge; that is, creates information out of nothing. And the question is, is that really the case? I think it is quite normal for German scholars to not only look at the text at hand, but also to read between the lines and allow the cultural subtext to flow. From the perspective of scholars of German literature, generative AI actually only interprets or reconstructs information that already exists. Maybe it’s hidden, only implicitly hinted at. But this then becomes visible through the AI.

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Content operations Industry insights Podcast Podcast transcript

Strategien für KI in der technischen Dokumentation (podcast, Deutsche version)

Folge 169 ist auf Englisch und Deutsch verfügbar. Da unser Gast Sebastian Göttel sich im deutschsprachigen Raum mit KI beschäftigt, kam die Idee, diesen Podcast auf Deutsch zu erstellen. Die englische Version wurde dann mit KI-Unterstützung zusammengebastelt.

Sarah O’Keefe: Was hat die generative KI mit Gedichtinterpretationen zu tun?

Sebastian Göttel: Ja, nun, also oft hat man da ja den Eindruck, dass KI das Wissen schöpft, also Informationen aus dem Nichts erschafft. Und da ist die Frage, ist das denn wirklich so? Denn für die Germanisten ist es, glaube ich, schon eher normal, nicht nur den vorliegenden Text anzuschauen, sondern auch zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen, den kulturellen Subtext einfließen zu lassen. Und aus dem Blickwinkel der Germanisten, interpretiert oder rekonstruiert generative KI eigentlich nur Informationen, die schon vorhanden ist. Möglicherweise ist die verborgen, nur implizit angedeutet. Aber die wird durch die KI dann sichtbar.

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Content operations Learning content Podcast Podcast transcript

Overcoming operational challenges for learning content, feat. Leslie Farinella (podcast)

In episode 168 of The Content Strategy Experts podcast, Sarah O’Keefe and special guest Leslie Farinella, Chief Strategy Officer at Xyleme, discuss the challenges facing content operations for learning content, insights for navigating information silos, and recommendations for successful enterprise-wide collaboration.

Why do we still have these silos of content? Back to what you said, Sarah, if we’re thinking about the learner experience, the learner doesn’t distinguish between classroom, e-learning, looking something up, or going to technical documentation. They just know, “I gotta get my job done. I need to perform. I need to know what I’m doing.”

— Leslie Farinella

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Content operations Content strategy

What does it all mean?! Foundations of an enterprise content strategy

In the wide world of content, we’ve got a lot of terms. Some may be new to you, and others have contested definitions, which makes clear communication—typically our bread and butter—a challenge. If you’re exploring efficiency in your organization’s content processes, this post clarifies the foundational concepts of an enterprise content strategy.

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Content operations Industry insights Podcast Podcast transcript

The challenges of content operations across the enterprise (podcast)

In episode 167 of The Content Strategy Experts Podcast, Sarah O’Keefe, Alan Pringle, and Bill Swallow discuss the difficulties organizations encounter when they try to create a unified content experience for their end users.

AP: Technical content, your tech content or product content, wants to convey knowledge so the user or reader can do whatever thing that they need to do. Learning content is about improving performance. And with your knowledge base content, it’s when, “I need to solve this very specific problem.” So those are the distinctions that I see among those three types.

SO: Okay, and from a customer point of view, what does this mean?

AP: Well, in reality, I don’t think the customers care. They want the information available, and they want it in the formats they want it in. And also, they want the right information so they can either get that thing done, improve their performance, or solve a specific problem.

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Industry insights Podcast Podcast transcript

Pulse check on AI: May, 2024

In episode 166 of The Content Strategy Experts Podcast, Sarah O’Keefe and Alan Pringle check in on the current state of AI as of May 2024. The landscape is evolving rapidly, so in this episode, they share predictions, cautions, and insights for what to expect in the upcoming months.

We’ve seen this before, right? It’s the gold rush. There’s a new opportunity. There’s a new possibility. There’s a new frontier of business. And typically, the people who make money in the gold rush are the ones selling the picks and shovels and other ancillary services to the “gold rushees.”

— Sarah O’Keefe

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Case study Content operations

Replatforming an early DITA implementation

Bill Swallow, Director of Operations at Scriptorium, and Emilie Herman, Director of Publishing at the Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF), shared lessons learned from a DITA implementation project. 

What did we want to accomplish with our project? One was to develop a single source of truth for our content, a single system to host all of it. Secondly, we wanted to modernize our information architecture and our content models and document all of it clearly. Lastly, we wanted to futureproof our content operations and go to a digital-first workflow.

— Emilie Herman

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Content strategy Industry insights Podcast Podcast transcript

Self-service content in the age of AI with Patrick Bosek

In episode 165 of The Content Strategy Experts Podcast, Sarah O’Keefe and guest Patrick Bosek of Heretto discuss how the role of customer self service is evolving in the age of AI.

I think that this comes back to the same thing that it came back to at every technological shift, which is more about being ready with your content than it is about having your content in the perfect format, system, set of technologies, or whatever it may be. The first thing that I think either of us will say, and a lot of people in the industry will tell you, is that you need to structure your content.

— Patrick Bosek

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