Has your localization service provider (LSP) been naughty or nice?
Last month I posted about the five gotchas that will affect your translation turnaround time. That post focused on content quality, but I’d also mentioned how “a good LSP” would handle things. This month, let’s take a step back and look at five things that separate the nice LSPs from the naughty ones.
Minimum viable content
…in which we explore the idea of minimal viable product as applied to technical content.
Five gotchas that will affect your translation turnaround time
Having worked at two translation companies and on many projects requiring localization, I appreciate just how nimble LSPs (language service providers) can be. Their ability to track down translators with the necessary subject matter expertise and handle a vast array of file formats is truly remarkable. That said, localization efficiency is dependent on you, the content provider.
Are you ready to rumble for your content strategy?
If you can’t handle some rough-and-tumble adversity, you are not ready to manage the implementation of a new content strategy.
Light-weight authoring tools are taking over
The basic idea of structured content—separate storage of content and formatting—is changing production workflows and, increasingly, content creation tools. In FrameMaker 12, Adobe joins the party on the tech comm side.
Impressions of the tcworld conference from a jet-lagged mind
That’s my first impression of the tcworld conference, from which I just returned. I’m still jet-lagged from my trip, but I wanted to briefly share my experiences with those—especially from the US—who are considering attending in the future.
Extending our content strategy empire—at least to the Empire State
Longest. Interview. Ever.
Bill Swallow and I first met in person at the Help ’99 Conference in Dallas, Texas. (1999, not 1899!) Today, we are pleased to announce that Bill is joining Scriptorium as a full-time technical consultant.
Help this first-time tcworld attendee, please!
Whew! I’m just back from the excellent LavaCon event in Portland. I have (mostly) recovered from that trip, so now I’m focusing on the upcoming tcworld conference in Wiesbaden, Germany. And I need your help!
How the “we-meeting” kills good tech comm
Does this sound familiar?
One reason for lack of accountability is the we-meeting. You know the one: “We need a new process for handling customer service issues.” Lots of discussion follows, but no clear direction is given, nor is any responsibility taken.
Bruce Clarke (The View from HR column) referencing consultant Kathleen Kelly