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Podcasting strategy podcast

This podcast features special guest Ed Marsh of the Content Content podcast. Scriptorium’s guest appearances on the Content Content podcast inspired us to start our own. In this episode, Gretyl Kinsey and Ed Marsh discuss content strategy and how it applies to the world of podcasting, solutions to the ever-present problem of content silos, how to find your tribe at events like LavaCon, and more.

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Cancer staging information podcast

How can faster access to cancer staging information lead to better diagnoses and improved patient care? What if cancer staging content could be integrated into electronic medical records and accessed via API instead of just in a printed book? We discuss these questions and more with guest Laura Meyer Vega of the American Joint Committee on Cancer in this podcast recorded at LavaCon 2017 in Portland, Oregon.

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DITA specialization (podcast)

In this podcast, Gretyl Kinsey and Sarah O’Keefe discuss DITA specialization, or the process of creating new structures from existing ones. What is involved in developing and testing a DITA specialization? What are some risks and benefits you should consider before specializing your DITA content?

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DITA Learning and Training (podcast)

In this podcast, Gretyl Kinsey and Simon Bate discuss the DITA Learning and Training specialization. How does this specialization work? What are some ways an organization might benefit from using Learning and Training to structure its educational content? What should you consider before implementing a DITA authoring environment with Learning and Training?

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Content strategy ROI (podcast)

In this podcast, Alan Pringle, Sarah O’Keefe, and Bill Swallow discuss ways of measuring the return on investment in a content strategy implementation. A content strategy is tied to specific business goals; it’s designed to either solve a business problem with content or better position your company to meet current and future business goals. Like any business strategy, it needs to be measured over time to determine its effectiveness in achieving those goals.

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